I hope to God you are right.
I think Putin smells the blood in the water and as animals
they are driven by more primal forces.
He will bring in paratroopers into Kharkiv, Donetsk & Luhansk
to take the government buildings and then the retards who failed
today will come in and pass declarations of indepedence and
requests for help from Moscow. All they need is 24 hours.
The invasion will happen shortly after. Lets face it the EU
works at not glacial speed but geological timelines. The USA
is crippled by partisan politics and the Marxists in the West
Wing who believe in isolationism will cripple the USA.
This is not an opportunity Putin will give up -- he knows
the demographics are against him as the 20 & 30 somethings
have no love of Russia and it's totlitarianism and this is
the last time in the next 50-100 years Russia has to regain
Ukraine without any external force coming to protect Ukraine
aka NATO or some future military alliance.
EU & the USA do not understand who they are dealing with. We
Ukrainians do with 400 years of history. Has any Russian leader
acted otherwise? Yeltsin was the rare exception and maybe only
because he had a substance abuse problem. He still tried to crush
Chechnya in the first Chechen war which failed so miserably.
He is a weasel in this way and he will run with it. I know
my sociopaths too well and believe me Putin is a sociopath.
Lock stock & barrel.
I really wish I was wrong but this bastard has no empathy
or morals or guilt. He just wants the empire to be built up.
He has a dream.
It will destroy Russia -- but sociopaths have a blind spot to
their ambitions. Unfortunately many Ukrainians will pay the
price for this.
I'm just saying this sociopath does not give up easily and he
knows he needs to move fast -- it is his style and he knows
the west does not handle speed very well. So if Plan C did
not work, it is on to Plan D -- Russians are psychotic about
their need to own Ukraine. It is in their genes. It is irrational
and it is a master/slave relationship -- they need it to feel
good about themselves.
The Mongols taught them one truly evil lesson, brutal force is
required to rule and maintain power. They have been doing it
ever since.
It is really sick but touches the inner core of their being
of what makes them what they are.
[email protected] wrote:
> One can always be wrong about these things of course. And naturally a
> victory does not necessarily win the war. But I think this was a bit
> more than just a tactical victory. Putin had only so many "tourists"
> and "agents" at his disposal. And he was actually counting on a bit of
> mass support among zombified "Russian-speaking" locals. I think he (or
> "they" to borrow from Parubij) realized a few days ago that this
> support was very soft and softening, and so gambled on putting it all
> together in one place. He chose Donetsk (rather than Luhansk or
> Kharkiv). But even there all that was achieved was a bit of running
> amuck. So it's clear that if he wants to push ahead it'll have to be
> actual war. I think he'll see if he can get something diplomatically
> first (neutrality + federalization). But if he annexes the Crimea this
> won't work too well imho. But if he doesn't, and condescends to leave
> the Crimea in a federalized and neutralized Ukraine, this will create
> a very big challenge to our politicos. Because I have a feeling there
> will be intense Western pressure for Ukraine to agree to this crap.
> And Ukraine is financially strapped. This is where a renewal of Maidan
> activity would become imperative. But would this renewal happen? We
> can only watch and see what tomorrow brings...
> Quoting [email protected]:
> >
> >
> > Agreed, the target was 7 oblasts to be seized.
> >
> > This is just a tactical win, Ukraine still has the war to win.
> >
> > You know this is just a reprieve.
> >
> > When the "pro-Russian" forces lost the Crimean parliament
> > on February 27th to the Tartars & Ukrainians, the Russians
> > invaded on February 28th to compensate for the incompetence
> > of the "pro-Russian" people.
> >
> > Beware the next few days -- truce is just words on a page
> > and no Russian ever lives up to a treaty/agreement/memorandum.
> >
> > [email protected] wrote:
> >>
> >> Not in the Crimean referendum.
> >>
> >> He's talking about the defeat, big time, of Putin's plan to
> >> destabilize the southeast: details here====
> >>
> >> http://zik.ua/ua/news/2014/03/16/parubiy_zayavyv_pro_zryv_shyrokomasshtabnoi_operatsii_separatystiv_po_vtorgnennyu_v_ukrainu_470966
> >>
> >
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