And I agree with the shakeup by Orysia Tracz. She is a wise woman
who's heart is in the right place. As many activists in our community
we are not politicians. :)
FYI the Russian 30 ruble army requires "employees" to maintain 50
seperate e-mail accounts with which they are required to pump out 70
posts/e-mails per day pushing the Putin agenda which seems to exceed
most of our participants capabilities including myself. We are talking
$300 million versus $0 volunteer capabilities. Yes we will always
Now stating the obvious.
I always thought (and I think Orysia thinks this way -- I may
think wrong) is quality over quantity -- our community needs to pump
out measureed / well thought out posts -- Few of our academics have
put out posts (Sysyn since day one and should be praised and Luciuk
only recently -- yes give him a pat on the back as he needs those type
of things LoL) the rest have been CIUS profs who support Russia and are
anti-Ukrainian. WTF -- Think one quality post and/or article weighs
more than 50 such comments/articles from propaganada sources. The
passion, the sound of credibility weighs much more. As an aside many
ex-Russian & ex-Ukrainian ambassadours have been taking our side. OMG
what a god send -- not a single ex-Russian or ex-Ukrainian ambassadour
I have ever seen interviewed said/confirms Putin in the right. OMG
run with this. What is wronng with this.
We also need to need a procedure from expelling non-Ukrainian
profs from CIUS even if universities do not -- aka academic freedom.
These people suck up to CIUS funding as most academics due but to sell
their souls to not Ukrainian causes and/or history/culture.
I agree with Orysia -- there are many bright lights on this list
that have the capability to move people in the right direction -- it
may be an opinion piece to a counter argument against a paid Putin
propagandists who is only motivated by money. We all have that capability
and one thinks "I do not not include myself". I am capable of such
measures -- never was called to do so but we all have that inner
voice that says what is right. I would have never created InfoUkes
in the first place with Andrew Ukrainec (and 4 others who are good
people) at a time our entire community thought the Internet was a
place for porn. I also fought a certain professor who is now very
prominant on our side in the MSM because he thought we were illgitimate
back in 1997. Embrace the dark side aka InfoUkes and embrace the dark
side offering opinion pices to the Media -- I think there are more
than enough very qualified academics, lay historians such as myself,
and many ukrainian activists, ukrainian historians, and such that
could turn the tide of public opinion -- all that is required is to
speak from the heart and try to be factually correct so as not to
give any enemies an out. In this case 1 article could outweigh 1000
posts by a Putin 30 ruble army warrior. They are just paid help and
not necessarily very bright and/or educated on the issue.
As a Ukrainian patriot -- i will provide space for Ukrainian
patriots and their analyses with respoect to what is happening
in Ukraine. Contact me at [email protected] and I will post
it (as long as it is not anti-Ukrainian and does not step the
boundries of ethnic hatred).
Work is almost complete on the new firewall -- testing is always a
pain to where the sun don't shine. Do not like to implement such
changes under tried times but is is necessary. I will take the new
firewall on line tomorrow under a severe test regime (I am an engineer)
before I switch thinngs over critical services to the new firewall.
Thus minimal disruption as any true engineer should work :)
Thank you all for the comments of support about keeping the original
Ukrainian internet beast/site going. It is much appreciated -- it is
one of the few praises that keep us going. It is always an
under-apreciated job/activity.
as an aside we do host UWC -- wish they could make more use of the
Internet but they have their own internet consultants -- actually
their consultants made them more vulnerbale to attacks. Looks
slick but shitty security. :O
InfoUkes philosophy -- KISS princile. The latest flashy interface
looks sexy but also more vulnerable to attack. Kepp It Simple Stupid!!!
A very sound engineering principle to guard against failure of
hardware/software. Also works under the most severe internet attacks.
Take care,
Orysia Tracz wrote:
> My original comment was meant to shake up some very capable people here to
> write to the media -- e.g.=2C in Winnipeg=2C and other Canadian cities. Few
> if any letters to the editor to expand or correct nasty diatribes by the
> Canadian titushky have appeared in the Wpg Free Press=2C e.g.=2C or in the
> online editions. One person here in Wpg told me to write in=2C like I usually
> do. It doesn't look good for the same one or two people to always write
> in on Ukr. issues. I told him to write... well=2C you know.... uh.....
> -- that's not the correct answer. [this is not to khvaly mene yazychku
> but to get some of you to write! Of course=2C discussion in the
> group is good=2C no one said otherwise. But the mainstream is crucial]
> O
InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
Canada M8X 2Y8
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