
From: Orysia Tracz ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 09 2014 - 08:19:26 EST

My original comment was meant to shake up some very capable people here to write to the media -- e.g., in Winnipeg, and other Canadian cities. Few if any letters to the editor to expand or correct nasty diatribes by the Canadian titushky have appeared in the Wpg Free Press, e.g., or in the online editions. One person here in Wpg told me to write in, like I usually do. It doesn't look good for the same one or two people to always write in on Ukr. issues. I told him to write... well, you know.... uh..... -- that's not the correct answer. [this is not to khvaly mene yazychku, but to get some of you to write! Of course, discussion in the group is good, no one said otherwise. But the mainstream is crucial]


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