
About The PJEF

Founders' Message

Board of Directors

About Petro Jacyk

Sphere of activity

University programs

Library projects

Publishing and educational projects


Chemerynsky Fund

Others about the Foundation...

You and the Foundation...

The Petro Jacyk Educational Foundation is a private charitable organization, established in 1986 on the basis of an endowment from well-known Toronto businessman and philanthropist Petro Jacyk. Unique among all other Ukrainian institutions in the world, the Foundation has had, and continues to play, a singular role in the development of Ukrainian scholarship and education, and it exerts considerable influence on the process of shaping international opinion about Ukraine.

The Foundation's primary objective is to develop a network of educational programs and scholarly centres in major universities around the world, devoted to the scholarly interpretation and dissemination of objective information about Ukraine and Ukrainians. The Foundation also sponsors other initiatives which contribute to the promotion of international awareness of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

In 1997, for the first time in its history, the Jacyk Foundation invited individuals and institutions, interested in supporting Ukrainian scholarship and culture, to join in its work by establishing their Permanent Name Funds . The founders of these funds have a chance to benefit from the Foundation's past achievements, international contacts, and professional management while supporting specific charitable projects of their choice. The Mykhailo and Daria Kovalsky Fund and Bohdan and Gloria Chemerynsky Fund were the first private funds while the Ukrainian Journals Fund, Ostrih Academy Fund, and Lviv University Fund were the first public funds established at the Foundation.


How can you become part of the future of Ukrainian culture?

5080 Timberlea Blvd., Suite 202, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4M2
tel: (905) 238-0467, fax: (905) 625-8445
e-mail: [email protected]

since April 27th 1999

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