Re: [politics] Another Putinist Presidential candidate

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 31 2014 - 10:54:53 EST

I thought Konovalyuk was "persuaded" to go into retirement. Now he has
conveniently re-surfaced following Yanukovych's "exile" to Russia. Since
Yanukovych is gone it only follows that his minions and subordinates will
continue to destabilize and destroy Ukraine from within at Yanuk's and
Putin's behest.


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 8:02 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:

> pivdenniy-shid-moje-peretvoritisya-v-noviy-krim.html
> Also wants Russian as a second national language. Boasts that he was the
> author of the Yanukovich 2010 campaign demands, which were "betrayed". In
> effect he wants the whole of southeast Ukraine turned into a "second
> Crimea" (claiming that that is what he wants to avoid. Just like his
> Master: "Give up and I won't attack")
> Competing for the Regional electorate with the Dobkins, Tihipkos, Boykos,
> Tsarovs etc...

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