It is probably the socialist mentality of Europe -- guns are bad.
The gun control mentality is very rampant in Europe. I think
the Americans have the right mentality aka 2nd ammendment as
no government is to be ever trusted. Who knows what Moscovite
president may come to power in Ukraine even May 25th or 5-10
years from now.
If anybody thinks that Russian interference in the internal affairs
of Ukraine is going to stop with this new government is living
in an alternate universe and is disconnected with reality.
The Russians will never give up till they go thru 1-2 generations
of attitude adjustment.
[email protected] wrote:
> I thought it was just the Russians who demanded it (as they do). But
> today on the forum "Hadjibei" cited the following:
> WASHINGTON, March 24, 2014 -- According to a report from the New York
> Times, the government of Ukraine has ordered any of its citizens in
> possession of "illegal guns" to turn them in to the authorities. This
> move is being heralded by the European Union, which has made this step
> a provision of membership. Kiev believes that disarming Ukrainians
> will go a long way to end the escalating destabilization and the ever
> present threat of violence that has risen with the formation of
> "self-defense groups." Others see this as a superficial power grab,
> and meddling politics on behalf of Europe.
> So Europe requires this? And in return gives a lot of hesitant
> "maybes"? Does anybody have any genuine information about this?
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