Re: [politics] Nomination of Candidates for the Presidential Elections: let the commedy begin!

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 25 2014 - 13:14:20 EST

I get your drift.(:))
But I have to believe that if somehow the next president could be ok, then
after that there may well be many more decent candidates from maidan, new
blood, younger people not connected to clans and business and crime. But
this next president is crucial.
And people who have businesses should sell them if they want office.
Maidan should have insisted on this too.

On Tuesday, 25 March 2014, Serbyn Roman <[email protected]> wrote:

> Now that would hardly be fair. Why discriminate against those who deserved
> to have been in prison, but for some reason never made it? What criteria
> would the electoral body have to dress a list of these distinguished
> culprits, and if somehow it could, who would be left to run in the
> elections?
> On 3/25/14, *Francine Ponomarenko * <[email protected]<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','[email protected]');>>
> wrote:
> There should be a strictly followed rule that anyone who has been in
> prison should never be able to hold office. I am amazed that maidan has not
> brought this point up. It will require being written in the constitution.
> But still, the discussion should be out there.
> On Tuesday, 25 March 2014, Serbyn Roman <[email protected]<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','[email protected]');>>
> wrote:
>> One of the candidates registered today is Vadym Zinovievych Rabinovych.
>> His zek record beats that of Yanukovych's, but he must be given credit for
>> his good qualities. These can be found in his biography. For some light
>> reading see:
>> Вадим Зиновьевич Рабинович
>> ... 10 февраля 1984 г. - приговорен к 14 годам лишения свободы в
>> исправительно-трудовом лагере строгого режима с конфискацией имущества. 20
>> июля 1991 г. - освобожден из колонии....
>> ... 20 декабря 1999 г. В. Рабинович ... получил от Главы Украинской
>> Православной Церкви митрополита Владимира орден Николая-чудотворца первой
>> степени <<За приумножение добра на Земле>>. 17 июля 2001 г. награжден Орденом
>> Святого равноапостольного князя Владимира первой степени <<За заслуги по
>> возрождению духовности в Украине>>.
>> Well, if he doesn't make it as prez, then maybe he could be named min of
>> ed or cult.

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