Re: Nomination of Candidates for the Presidential Elections: let the commedy begin!

From: Stefan Lemieszewski ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 25 2014 - 13:10:35 EST

Just “good qualities”? That’s an understatement. This man can perform miracles. Didn’t you see the article about his “resurrection” in Jerusalem’s Old City?

Stefan Lemieszewski

  Rabinovich resurrected: ‘Dead’ oligarch turns up at square in his name

  In Jerusalem’s Old City, a prominent person has to be dead for at least 500 years to get a chance to have a personal landmark. But a Ukrainian oligarch not only got one despite still being alive, but also gave a speech at the renaming ceremony.

  ­One of the landmark squares in the Old City is named Vadim Rabinovich Z"L, after a Ukrainian oligarch and philanthropist who donated millions to rebuild the Hurva Synagogue and funded a $3 million replica of the Temple menorah set in the square now named after him.

  The abbreviation Z"L stands for “Zichrono Livracha” (meaning "may his/ her memory be a blessing" in Hebrew). The city renamed the square after a petition was filed, stating the businessman has died.
  [ . . . ]


From: Serbyn Roman
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:17 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [politics] Nomination of Candidates for the Presidential Elections: let the commedy begin!

One of the candidates registered today is Vadym Zinovievych Rabinovych. His zek record beats that of Yanukovych's, but he must be given credit for his good qualities. These can be found in his biography. For some light reading see:

Вадим Зиновьевич Рабинович

... 10 февраля 1984 г. – приговорен к 14 годам лишения свободы в исправительно-трудовом лагере строгого режима с конфискацией имущества. 20 июля 1991 г. – освобожден из колонии....

... 20 декабря 1999 г. В. Рабинович ... получил от Главы Украинской Православной Церкви митрополита Владимира орден Николая-чудотворца первой степени «За приумножение добра на Земле». 17 июля 2001 г. награжден Орденом Святого равноапостольного князя Владимира первой степени «За заслуги по возрождению духовности в Украине».

Well, if he doesn't make it as prez, then maybe he could be named min of ed or cult.

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