With Canada's rigid gun control laws, tin pot navy and puny military force
in comparison to Russia's I doubt Canada would put up significant
resistance. Perhaps at that point the directors of the CHMR may have an
epiphany and relocate the holodomor display further away from the restrooms
but by then it will be too late.
To be honest, there is a part of me that wishes Russia to annex the whole
arctic and threaten Canada's territorial integrity just to give the west a
good kick in the ASS.
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Michael Kulyk <[email protected]> wrote:
> when putin annexes the arctic we shall see if fotheringham still calls
> russia 'our friend'
> CFO Harvest Energy Trust
> 330 5th Ave. SW Suite 2100 Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L4 Canada
> (403) 265-1178
> (866) 666-1178 TOLL FREE
> www.harvestenergy.ca
> e-mail: [email protected] -
> See more at: http://www.twst.com/interview/25024#sthash.Ejy3zdSx.dpuf
> *let him know how u feel*
> *fellow u of t graduates call the office of u of t to tell them why u r
> not donating to u of t*
> Robert Fotheringham
> http://library.utm.utoronto.ca/spaces/lkc-finance-learning-centre/business-advisory-board#Robert%20Fotheringham
> Senior Vice President, Trading, TSX Markets
> Robert Fotheringham currently serves as the Senior Vice President,
> Trading, with TSX Markets, a division of TMX Group Inc. His
> responsibilities include Trading, Product Development, Product Management,
> Canadian and International Sales, Business Operations, Trading and Vendor
> Services, and Market Quality.
> Mr. Fotheringham sits as a member of the Board of Directors for the CDS
> Group of Companies and serves on the CDS Audit/Risk Committee. Mr.
> Fotheringham was recently elected to the Certified General Accountants of
> Ontario's Board of Governors where he also serves on the Governance
> Committee. Mr. Fotheringham is a member of the Business Advisory Board of
> the University of Toronto - Mississauga's Li Koon Chun Finance Learning
> Centre.
> Prior to joining TSX Mr. Fotheringham served as the Vice President,
> Derivative and Quantitative Investments, with the Ontario Municipal
> Employees Retirement System. Mr. Fotheringham sat as a senior member of
> OMERS' Investment Management Committee and Global Tactical Asset Allocation
> Committee, where he assisted in the development of the Fund's asset
> allocation strategies and risk management initiatives.
> Prior to joining OMERS, Mr. Fotheringham served as the Director - Senior
> Portfolio Manager for the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth. He
> sat as a senior member of the Region's Investment Strategy Committee.
> Mr. Fotheringham is a professional accountant, holding the Certified
> General Accountant's designation.
> On Mar 19, 2014, at 16:48, William Zuzak <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Infoukes:
> I am appalled by a recent article in the Globe and Mail:
> Canadian firms with ties to Russia urge Ottawa to limit sanctions Globe
> and Mail, 19Mar2014; Jeff Gray and Rachelle Younglai
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/european-business/canadian-firms-with-ties-to-russia-urge-ottawa-to-limit-sanctions/article17579127/
> It appears that Canada's "business criminals" want to continue to support
> Putin's murderous regime so as to earn their "30 pieces of silver". In my
> opinion, the Ukrainian community should demand a face-to-face meeting with
> Robert Fotheringham of the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association,
> Kinross Gold Corp. and any other firms doing business in the Russian
> Federation and/or Ukraine to ensure that they will not be condoning the
> genocidal policies of Vladimir Putin.
> Any imports/exports between the Russian Federation and Canada (as well as
> Ukraine and Canada) must be scrutinized and blocked if necessary. The
> American Ukrainian community should follow a similar strategy in the United
> States.
> Regards
> Will Zuzak; 2014.03.19
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