Re: [politics] Canadian firms with ties to Russia urge Ottawa to limit sanctions

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 19 2014 - 20:51:07 EST

This should have been done decades ago. It is these business links that
feeds Russia's development and must be cut immediately. I am not appalled
nor surprised. This has been typical communist strategy since Khrushchev's
time: establish commercial and business links with western multinational
corporations while at the same time strengthen the
military/party/government/industrial complex back home. By severing the
trade and economic links with Russia their authoritarian system would
collapse overnight.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:48 PM, William Zuzak <[email protected]>wrote:

> Dear Infoukes:
> I am appalled by a recent article in the Globe and Mail:
> Canadian firms with ties to Russia urge Ottawa to limit sanctions Globe
> and Mail, 19Mar2014; Jeff Gray and Rachelle Younglai
> It appears that Canada's "business criminals" want to continue to support
> Putin's murderous regime so as to earn their "30 pieces of silver". In my
> opinion, the Ukrainian community should demand a face-to-face meeting with
> Robert Fotheringham of the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association,
> Kinross Gold Corp. and any other firms doing business in the Russian
> Federation and/or Ukraine to ensure that they will not be condoning the
> genocidal policies of Vladimir Putin.
> Any imports/exports between the Russian Federation and Canada (as well as
> Ukraine and Canada) must be scrutinized and blocked if necessary. The
> American Ukrainian community should follow a similar strategy in the United
> States.
> Regards
> Will Zuzak; 2014.03.19

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