Canadian firms with ties to Russia urge Ottawa to limit sanctions

From: William Zuzak ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 19 2014 - 18:48:44 EST

Dear Infoukes:


I am appalled by a recent article in the Globe and Mail:


Canadian firms with ties to Russia urge Ottawa to limit sanctions Globe and
Mail, 19Mar2014; Jeff Gray and Rachelle Younglai


It appears that Canada's "business criminals" want to continue to support
Putin's murderous regime so as to earn their "30 pieces of silver". In my
opinion, the Ukrainian community should demand a face-to-face meeting with
Robert Fotheringham of the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association,
Kinross Gold Corp. and any other firms doing business in the Russian
Federation and/or Ukraine to ensure that they will not be condoning the
genocidal policies of Vladimir Putin.


Any imports/exports between the Russian Federation and Canada (as well as
Ukraine and Canada) must be scrutinized and blocked if necessary. The
American Ukrainian community should follow a similar strategy in the United



Will Zuzak; 2014.03.19


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