Re: [politics] What's wrong with the Yulkas?

From: Ivan Kravchenko ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 19 2014 - 20:21:06 EST

Maybe it is my wishful thinking. I see only one reason for the Ukrainian
military to "hold the fort": buying time to prepare defences near Kherson.
Full scale spill-over through Perekop is hindered by having these troops
in the rear of the Russians. Again I maybe wrong because I think as former
military and I do not have the same set of mind as the Russians.

On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, [email protected] wrote:

> There was an old Tarzan joke from my high school days: "What did Tarzan do
> when the elephant crossed the road?"=== "Nothing. The elephant wore dark
> glasses, so Tarzan didn't recognize him"...
> Ukraine has lost the battle of Crimea (not the war, just the battle). There
> is no point at all to the excellent soldiers and officers currently blockaded
> there to remain. They should be removed quickly and reassigned. Instead,
> Tenyukh and Yarema, on Yatseniuk's instructions (probably also Turchynov who
> is "Commander in chief" as Acting President), were to head to the Crimea, to
> tell everyone to "stand fast".
> Vozniak feels that this borders on criminality (only one of the "strange"
> decisions by this government:
> And Honcharenko from Odesa wonders if there is a "secret plan":
> What plan? Whatever plan they have seems to have little in common with
> military issues. Imagine Churchill telling his soldiers to stand firm at
> Dunkerque in June 1940...
> Anyway the Russians have not allowed out two bozos to land:
> Surprise surprise!! So now Yatseniuk calls a "crisis meeting" etc,. etc,
> And the Crimean Ukrainian soldiers are being taken out, piece by piece. The
> Commander of the Ukrainian fleet has been kidnapped etc etc...
> Who's calling the shots and why? Tymoshenko from Berlin? What in blazes is
> going on?
> Staying in the Crimea reminds one of Hitler's order to Von Paulus at
> Stalingrad... Is that the sick analogy? Putin the liberator and the fascists
> in disarray?

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