Vozniak deserves a reading and "a thinking":
"Одним словом ми крок за кроком виконуємо вимоги, виставлені Міністерством закордонних справ Росії? Путін нищить здобутки Майдану, чітко блокує можливі шляхи порятунку України, чи то через зміну системи влади, чи то з допомогою вступу до НАТО чи ЄС. Наступне завдання Путіна поставити в Україні свого ставленика/ставлеників. Кого цікаво."
On 3/19/14, [email protected] wrote:
> There was an old Tarzan joke from my high school days: "What did Tarzan do when the elephant crossed the road?"=== "Nothing. The elephant wore dark glasses, so Tarzan didn't recognize him"...
> Ukraine has lost the battle of Crimea (not the war, just the battle). There is no point at all to the excellent soldiers and officers currently blockaded there to remain. They should be removed quickly and reassigned. Instead, Tenyukh and Yarema, on Yatseniuk's instructions (probably also Turchynov who is "Commander in chief" as Acting President), were to head to the Crimea, to tell everyone to "stand fast".
> Vozniak feels that this borders on criminality (only one of the "strange" decisions by this government: http://blogs.pravda.com.ua/authors/voznyak/5329663fbbdd9/
> And Honcharenko from Odesa wonders if there is a "secret plan": http://blogs.pravda.com.ua/authors/goncharenko/532977f4180c1/
> What plan? Whatever plan they have seems to have little in common with military issues. Imagine Churchill telling his soldiers to stand firm at Dunkerque in June 1940...
> Anyway the Russians have not allowed out two bozos to land: http://www.unian.ua/politics/898268-tenyuha-i-yaremu-ne-pustili-do-krimu-rnbo-zbiraetsya-na-zasidannya.html
> Surprise surprise!! So now Yatseniuk calls a "crisis meeting" etc,. etc,
> And the Crimean Ukrainian soldiers are being taken out, piece by piece. The Commander of the Ukrainian fleet has been kidnapped etc etc...
> Who's calling the shots and why? Tymoshenko from Berlin? What in blazes is going on?
> Staying in the Crimea reminds one of Hitler's order to Von Paulus at Stalingrad... Is that the sick analogy? Putin the liberator and the fascists in disarray?
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