Re: [politics] Putin speech

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 18 2014 - 08:06:18 EST

I agree, it must have been a good team writing this bit of propaganda.
The last line takes the cake: it's meaning basically,

What military intervention? Not a single shot was fired.

In other words, Ukraine agreed to our coming and taking what is ours.

On Tuesday, 18 March 2014, Serbyn Roman <[email protected]> wrote:

> First impression of Putin's speech:
> Brilliant rhetoric for effective propaganda: presses all the right
> buttons, addresses all the right protagonists with the right messages.
> At the same time, very revealing of the present and future strategy and
> possible tactics of Putin's imperialist designs on Ukraine and other
> post-Soviet states.

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