" . . . Last but not least, Putin if he thinks he can get away with it will
go for the max and over-reach -- Western government weakness opens the door
for him to sprint thru."
You bet.
And that is why the two Russian commando-carrying helicopters flying over
Ukrainian territory the other day should have been shot down.
Surprising what two Stinger shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missles could do
(where is the chest-beating all-promising United States?) The Russians have
already tasted this bitter medicine in Afghanistan.
This would have sent a black and white message to Putin following this first
overt incursion into non-Crimean Ukrainian territory. With no clear message,
he'll just continue to walk in step by step .
By the way, with the Para-Olympic games over, you can expect more Russian
military action.
A pox on all the useful idiot countries and greedy Olympic comittee who
participated as if nothing was going on.
From: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 5:39 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [politics] Illarionov
> I still like the Swiss Model for reserves were each reservist
> keeps his weapon at home. A Russian invasion could be lightning
> fast and an armed reserve would give a better defence than
> a more restricted reserve.
> Ukraine has way too many 5th columnists that could hamper
> response in an invasion. They need to pull a Trudeau Sr and
> decimate the top 5 layers of the bureaucracy. That way
> you kill off the inbreeding of pro-Moscow pro-Soviets
> bureaucrats.
> I think this guy is on the ball though I would never trust
> him.
> Cutting off Ukraine from the sea would cut off Ukraine from
> LNG tankers, international trade with agricultural products
> and cut off Ukraine from offshore gas fields. that is very
> plausible and sounds exactly like something Putin would do.
> Also connecting Transdniester strengthens its position there
> were it is known as a military arms sale haven.
> Plus the 7 oblasts in question, they hold 95% of Ukraine's and
> the (Soviet Era) defense industries. Antonov in Kharkiv,
> the Tank factories in Kharkiv, the naval shipyards of Mykolayiv,
> Odesa as a major port, Zaporizya for aero engines, Dnipropetrovsk
> for rockets/missles and Donetsk & Maiopol for steel, aluminum
> and titanium foundries.
> Not stopping with Eastern Ukraine is very plausible -- A re-armed
> russia would need many of those industries. Russians make horrible
> engineers while Ukrainians made their weapon systems during the
> Soviet era. Not a coincidence so many defense industries were
> located in Ukraine.
> is important for that BS line of home of Russian civilization.
> They have a historical inferiority complex. Sort of Kyiv
> envy ;)
> With Tymoshenko's trip to Moscow sealed any fate she had. She is no
> longer to be trusted.
> Putin does have a deep hatred of the Maidan because he is scared
> if such an entity ever appeared on Red Square -- he would pull
> a Tianamen Square scenario with mass deaths and arrests.
> federalization was always a methodology to wresttle control
> from the central government -- interesting it is never an
> issue when Moscow's man is in office in Kyiv..
> The cyber attack on NATO by a so-called Ukrainian organization
> was BS -- it was just designed to make NATO weary about
> Ukraine -- it was obviously Russian hackers on the Kremlin payroll.
> The Russians fear NATO because individually all the members
> are weak, but together they are a formidble force that could
> hurt the Russians badly.
> Last but not least, Putin if he thinks he can get away with it
> will go for the max and over-reach -- Western government weakness
> opens the door for him to sprint thru.
> Fran Ponomarenko wrote:
>> He's on hromadske right now.
>> He says there is a document which has circulated by those close to Putin,
>> trebovanja Putina.
>> With regard to Ukraine.
>> 1) federalization, but to the point of possible autonomy,goal being these
>> regions could secede this way break apart Ukraine piece by piece
>> 2) no connection to NATO
>> 3) Russian control of the shore line areas,
>> 4) putting in place in kyiv a govt he can deal with, marionette govt
>> 5)when mustafa asked what people Putin could work with, Timoshenko of
>> course
>> 6) disarming the population
>> 7) crushing maidan and making it never possible again
>> 8) basically a puppet regime
>> He said the present govt has seen this document, and is fulfilling some
>> of
>> its demands, like disarming the population. Illarionov seems to be a
>> proponent of the right to carry weapons. He lives in the USA now.
>> I know some say Illarionov is an agent, I don't know. I am not sure what
>> his message would do for Putin.
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
> Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
> Canada M8X 2Y8 http://www.infoukes.com/
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