Dear Infoukes:
I have just uploaded the following file to my website:
IAC: Ukraine War Alert
Will Zuzak, 16Mar2014; to Ramsey Clark
Dear Ramsey Clark:
via Email: [email protected]
I have been an admirer of your career ever since you offered to join the
legal defense of John Demjanjuk at his 1986 Jerusalem trial. I have also
followed your International Action Center (IAC) with interest over the
years. Unfortunately, judging by the contents of your latest two Emails
(appended in the link below), it appears that the IAC has been hijacked by
Ukrainophobes and Vladimir Putin's $300 million propaganda machine.
The disinformation in your Emails has been refuted by the United States
government at
President Putin's Fiction: 10 False Claims About Ukraine
<> United
States, 05Mar2014; to Vladimir Putin
and in the MoZeus page of my website under "Will Zuzak Letters" at
Harper's Vote Grubbing Policy on Ukraine
<> Will
Zuzak, 14Mar2014; to Murray Dobbin
Will Germany double-cross Ukraine again?
[email protected], 11Mar2014; Will Zuzak
Stumbling into an ethnic quagmire in Ukraine
<> Will
Zuzak, 28Feb2014; to Jackson Doughart
Democracy Now: A New Cold War?
<> Will
Zuzak, 23Feb2014; to Amy Goodman
Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine
<> Will
Zuzak, 16Feb2014; to Paul Craig Roberts
Will Mobocracy triumph in Ukraine?
<> Will
Zuzak, 06Feb2014; to Patrick Buchanan
I will not reproduce these arguments here, except to comment on the "Nazi,
fascist, Bandera, OUN, UPA" allegations by Ukrainophobes in describing the
massive (up to one million people) Euromaidan demonstrations in Kyiv since
30Nov2013. As explained in the link above titled "Will Germany double-cross
Ukraine again?", this has been the standard disinformation against the
Ukrainian Independence Movement that has been disseminated by the
NKVD/KGB/FSB and now Mr. Putin for the past 70 years. Surely, you must be
aware that the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian language have been
subjected to genocide perpetrated for centuries by the Tsarist Russian
Empire, the Soviet Russian Empire and now Putin's proposed Eurasian Empire.
Mr. Putin claims to be concerned about the rights of Russian-speaking
people, but does not appear to be concerned about the rights of
Ukrainian-speaking people. Do you and IAC personnel condone genocide?
Deeply disappointment
William Zuzak; 2014.03.16
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