Decades of Suicidal Policies Vis-à-vis Russia and China

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 13 2014 - 13:27:15 EST
"Russian troops are getting aboard a Chinese train Wednesday to take part
in joint anti-terrorist exercises Peace Mission 2009, that will be held on
the Chinese territory," the Russian agency ITAR-TASS reported on July 8,
2009. In addition to a Russian motorized rifle battalion and an airborne
company, the Chinese train also transported 150 Russian tanks, armored
personnel carriers, and trucks. Some 20 Russian aircraft -- bombers, fighter
jets, transports, and helicopters -- were flown to the exercise site in
northeast China.
These military operations (which have gone virtually unreported in the
United States) underscore the extensive and growing military, economic,
technological, and political cooperation between Moscow and Beijing over
the past decade and a half. They also demolish the supposed wisdom of the
prevailing "experts" at the CIA and State Department, who contended that
the "Sino-Soviet split" was "permanent," and that the United States should
encourage this perceived split by wooing both communist regimes with
diplomatic overtures, aid, and trade.
The bear is still in the woods and it is waking up from its 20-year
hibernation, as a "new" free-trade zone agreement sets itself to restore
the Soviet Union. On December 16, 2010, Reuters reported on what could be
described as the resurrection of the former Soviet Union, through the
invitation of the Ukraine to join the post-Soviet free-trade zone, or
Customs Union, between Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

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