Re: [politics] "First we take Crimea, then we take Ukraine"

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue Mar 11 2014 - 10:43:10 EST

I'm also reminded of a famous scene in one of Charlton Heston's epics
"El Cid". Where the Almoravid leader besieging Valencia addresses his
blackclad masked troops with the exhortation "First Valencia! Then
Spain! Then the world!" He didn't even take Valencia.

Quoting Walter Iwaskiw <[email protected]>:

> "You have won Crimea, but you've lost Ukraine."
> Inspired by Vitaly Portnikov, TNR, March 7: "You have won Crimea and you
> have lost Ukraine."
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Serbyn Roman
> <[email protected]>wrote:
>> Vova Putin's adaptation of a Leonard Cohen song:
>> "First we take Crimea, then we take Ukraine"
>> Is anyone working on a Ukrainian response?

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