Re: Putin plays his joker?

From: Stefan Lemieszewski ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 10 2014 - 15:45:14 EST

Here’s one of the biggest ironies of all. Khodorkovsky saying he’s not an “однодумцем Путіна”. In fact, Khodorkovsky was one of the seven mafia oligarchs (“bankirshchina” described by Chrystia Freeland in “Sale of the Century”) who in Davos agreed to “appoint” Yeltsin as Russia’s President in the fraudulent 1996 election and later along with Berezovsky to “appoint” Putin as Yeltsin’s replacement in 2000. Putin double-crossed Khodorkovsky who had political ambitions to replace Putin with himself. Putin disbanded his Yukos corporation and divvied up the assets with his own mafia familia. Khodorkovsky is out for revenge. An eye for an eye. Unless of course Khodorkovsky had some kind of “on the road to Damascus” conversion moment while sitting in prison.

Stefan Lemieszewski


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 9:55 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [politics] Putin plays his joker?

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Багатьох цікавило ставлення Ходорковського до політики президента Росії Володимира Путіна, чи буде війна в Криму і чому Захід так мляво реагує на події в Україні.

Сам Ходорковський прямих відповідей на давав, але зазначив, що не є однодумцем Путіна.

[ . . ]


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