Re: [politics] How strong is Putin's position in the Crimea?

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 09 2014 - 22:01:09 EST

Let us also remember that Lenin and the bolsheviks were also a very tiny
fraction of a minority yet they were well organized and disciplined that
they also seized power through a coup as well as seize key industrial,
governmental and communications hubs, dispersed the freely elected
constitutional assembly then engaged in 3 years of civil war resulting in
their victory. Let us not allow history to repeat itself in Crimea and the
rest of Ukraine.


On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 5:55 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:

> At first glance it would appear: very. But is it really?
> It was of course very solid to start with, due to the Fleet and connected
> army units.
> But the fact that he had to rely on a coup d'etat to put Aksyonov in
> power (4% support in the population , remember) shows the others would not
> easily have gone along. On top of that the parliament did what it did at
> gun point.
> And his current position while improved is not yet quite foolproof.
> It's not just the international reaction.
> He has not managed to gain control of the Ukrainian military. They are
> blockaded. But they are some of the best units in the Ukrainian army, and
> the "titushky" on the streets along with those imported from Russia (same
> old same old) are no match for them. This is well known.
> So he has had to bring in more soldiers. And more "citizens" (on the basis
> of events in Luhansk and Donetsk I am convinced that a large part of the
> Simferopol "crowds" today are in the same category> I'm waiting for the
> same actress to reappear (:=)). The Tatars have not cracked at all either.
> His attempt to block off communications from Ukraine is also telling. As
> is the refusal to allow OSCE observers and the manhandling of journalists.
> No one in a strong and unshakeable position would bother with this.
> And the hurried "referendum" is perhaps the best indicator. The best he
> has going for a strong but not exactly overwhelmingly strong position is
> terrific propaganda.
> What Ukraine seems to need is a good strategist to take advantage of this
> situation.
> We may yet be in for some surprises.

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