Terrorists, pirates or simple common criminals usurping authority and
impersonating legitimate authority. These are illegitimate thugs period. If
Moscow and Simferopol claim that the current government in Kyiv is
illegitimate then perhaps one should ask them why President Yanukovych left
Kyiv and allowed this "illegitimate government" to form?? Yanukovych is
responsible for this "illegitimacy". How else is the national government to
function and conduct day to day business in the absence of the president
who of his own volition fled to Rostov-on-Don in Russia? Why doesn't Russia
expel Yanukovych so that he can return to Kyiv and make the government
"legitimate" again??? If Moscow refuses to do this then they along with
Putin are responsible for the destabilization and reorganization of
government in Kyiv, not maidan.
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 4:55 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> http://www.unian.ua/politics/894707-ukrajintsi-
> vislovilisya-za-provedennya-antiteroristichnoji-operatsiji-v-krimu-
> opituvannya.html
> After all, our strategic partner says they're not the Russian army. (:=))
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