Re: [politics] not crazy

From: Michael Kulyk ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 19:05:05 EST

 it is up to the Russians to take him out.

we shall see but u r correct

On Mar 6, 2014, at 3:49 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> I still think he has sociopathic tendencies.
> Any person as a 16 year old was fixated to become a member of an organization that maintains the power of the state thru brutality/torture/murder/mass murder has issues.
> Any person who will blow up appartment buildings of his own citizens to fortify power and make acceptance of destroying Chechens with extreme brutality has to be by definition a sociopath.
> Problem is with any authoritarian leader is that dissenters are heavily punished/dealt with so it encourages a culture of yes men. People who will tell you what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear.
> Putin has been President/PM/President now for almost 15 years. He is isolated, surrounded by yes men, and for security reasons never encounters a reasonable Russian who has an opposing arguement. He actually believes his own propaganda.
> Controlling of the media and hammering his critics suggests a thin skin.
> Turning over state enterprises to himself such as Gazprom suggests he is not the Patriot as he likes to portray himself. It suggests he is a criminal and is using the state to enrichen himself.
> Many of his former advisors that are still alive suggest he is not playing with a full deck. I think they are right.
> Hey somebody with a finger on the nuclear trigger had better be bloody sane and if not, it is up to the Russians to take him out.
> [email protected] wrote:
>> Putin is not crazy. Frustrating, unpredictable. Not crazy. The Russian president may be calculating, sources say, even miscalculating. And worried
>> Agreed! As for the article itself: heavy on quotations, light on analysis.
>> On 3/6/14, Anubis <[email protected]> wrote:
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
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