Re: [politics] Putin scenario accelerating?

From: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 01 2014 - 08:01:11 EST

It is the Counter-Revolution aka the Empire Strikes Back.

I guess I always expected this, just didn't expect it to happen
so fast but Putin realized he was losing the momentum and seized
the day. I think he also knew that if pro-Ukrainian government
takes hold, the Russians would be forced out of their bases
in Ukraine in 2017 -- the new lease extension never went thru
parliament, thus was never verified.

It may be time to cut power, water and gas to Crimea as it
all comes thru Ukraine.

They should station Ukrainian military units on the isthmus
with Crimea to prevent any potential breakout of Russian
military units from Crimea into mainland Ukraine.

Like it or not, like always, Ukraine stands alone.

[email protected] wrote:
> 1. In the Crimea= direct attacks against Ukraine's military points
> have started.
> 2. Donetsk Russophiles attempting to seize power "a la Maidan"
> 3. On a smaller scale (yet) Kharkiv pro-Russians battling Kharkiv Maidanites.
> Ukraine behaving like Czechoslovakia in 1938 (so far).

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