Re: [politics] Putin Blinks?

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 28 2014 - 17:16:40 EST

Putin made everybody sweat and now figures everybody would accept
him keeping Crimea.

If Ukraine is smart they won't.

I think that Obama was in Saudi Arabia caught Putin's attention more,
if Saudi Arabia increases production, oil price drops, thus Putin's
funding source drops to dangerous levels. He needs a certain
minimal oil price or his economy collapses.

Crimea is costing a pretty penny, $15 billion gets him all of
Ukraine (Yanukovych loan), but $5 billion gets him only Crimea.

If the USA & EU really wanted to get Russia to back out of Crimea
the way to do it is to hit the energy sector -- Russia would drop
within months.

Bohdan Wynnyckyj wrote:
> Calls Obama and all of a sudden wants to find a diplomatic way to
> de-escalate.
> Either a smokescreen, or he suddenly realized this was going to end very
> badly for him if he continued.

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