Re: [politics] Yanykovych -- dead or alive?

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Fri Mar 28 2014 - 13:25:57 EST

He' s just one of those folks who sold his soul to the devil, to the forces
of darkness, so that he could have his ugly mansion and screw around with
the cook's sister, and play malotsar. What sadness to go to death with such
a biography,

On Friday, 28 March 2014, Anubis <[email protected]> wrote:

> He's so full of crap they needed to insert another a**hole to handle the
> output.
> On 3/28/2014 1:15 PM, [email protected] wrote:
>> Stens procedure is not serious surgery -- a day or two at most in
>> the hospital depending where it was placed.
>> Obviously it wasn't the heart because he doesn't have one.
>> It wasn't by the brain, because ..... ;)
>> Fran Ponomarenko wrote:
>>> Just now Skrypyn on hromadske says there is some UNVERIFIED information
>>> that ZEK may have had a stent placed in a vein. Skrypyn said this is not
>>> a
>>> serious operation. But he said no one knows for sure.
>>> On Friday, 28 March 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> It was funny that today's release of a statement from Yanukovych was not
>>>> done in person in a press conference. It was released via a press
>>>> release
>>>> organization. Because he is a sociopath he loves the attention of being
>>>> in
>>>> the limelight. so why did he not give a big press conference as he did a
>>>> few weeks back?
>>>> Two possibilities:
>>>> [1] He is afraid of going into public, because he may be shot by a
>>>> "banderevits" :)
>>>> [2] He is dead, and Putin's boys are releasing press releases in his
>>>> name
>>>> to benefit their foregn policy objectives.
>>>> My father was talking to relatives in Ukraine earlier in the week and
>>>> they
>>>> say rumours are running rampant thru Ukraine that Yanukovych is dead.
>>>> Nobody believes he is still alive.
>>>> I think the first possibility is more likely because he is one hell of a
>>>> coward and is afraid that somebody from Ukraine will assassinate him or
>>>> even Putin will have him knocked off as a politically inconvenient
>>>> resident
>>>> of Russia.

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