U.S.-Ukraine Foundation <https://www.facebook.com/usukraine>
9 mins
Eternal Memory - a 1998 documentary film, narrated by
Meryl Streep <https://www.facebook.com/MerylStreep>... USUF Friend &
Supporter Marie Zarycky reminds us:
With the hijacking of Crimea, Vladimir Putin's Russia is dangerously
slipping back into totalitarianism. Its disregard for democratic and
international laws, treaties and territorial rights must not go
As the situation in the Ukraine escalates, the producers of Eternal
Memory, a riveting documentary on the terrors and subjugation of Ukraine
in the Stalinist era, have posted the film on YouTube for the world to view.
Eternal Memory, narrated by Meryl Streep and featuring some of the top
historians in the world, is a chilling reminder of what can happen in a
totalitarian state ruled by despots with total disregard for human
rights and international laws.
We urge you to view it and share it with your friends, lest we all
forget what Russia has been capable of in Ukraine .
Please forward and share this !
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