The ex-President of Ukraine Yanukovych (thief & murderer) has done his Master's bidding (Putin) and is advocating breaking up Ukraine into small bite sized pieces so Putin can annex each piece into Russia's stagnant Russian empire. Obviously the man has no honour.
If Putin & Yanukovych have any state awards -- Ukrainian Government should hold a ceremony to revoke them.
Ukraine: Yanukovych calls for each of the country's regions to hold a referendum
28/03 10:15 CET
Ukraine's deposed president, Viktor Yanukovych, called on Friday for each of the country's regions to hold a referendum on its status "within Ukraine", Russia's Itar-Tass news agency reported Tass news agency reported.
"As a president who is with you with all my thoughts and soul, I urge every sensible citizen of Ukraine: Don't give in to impostors! Demand a referendum on the status of each region within Ukraine," Yanukovych was quoted as saying in an address to the people of Ukraine. He fled to Russia last month.
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