Re: [politics] After Kiev Coup, the West Will Focus on Moscow | The Moscow Times

From: Bohdan Wynnyckyj ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 27 2014 - 11:29:34 EST

The paranoid Russian mindset is on full display here. They see a US
conspiracy behind virtually everything. No ability to reflect openly and
objectively on cause and affect.

On Thursday, March 27, 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:
> Oh man, this guy is delusional -- love the lines:
> How will the West execute this coup in Russia? First, it will
> install a leader in Kiev who will be much like former Georgian
> President Mikheil Saakashvili -- an anti-Russian hothead willing
> to do all of the West's bidding. Then, it will finance the
> Ukrainian army, and in 2017 -- on the eve of Russia's presidential
> elections -- it will send that army into Crimea and Russia proper,
> just as it deployed Georgian troops in 2008. Does the West seriously
> believe that Putin will take this military aggression against Russia
> passively?
> I finally figured out how to read Russian propagandeese --
> [*] when it mentions Russia they mean Ukraine
> [*] when it mentions Ukraine they mean Russia
> [*] Western puppet leader means Russian puppet leader
> So basically they are saying they intend to have a coup to
> put into power a pro-Russian leader puppet who will do the
> bidding of Moscow and will disrupt the Ukrainian elections with
> an invasion of Crimea. -- hey wait didn't that happen already? ;)
> Puppet leader Yanikovych?
> WOW Ukraine invading Russia -- amazing. Wonder what is Markov's
> psychotropic drug of choice?
> Michael Kulyk wrote:
>> After Kiev Coup, the West Will Focus on Moscow
>> In a conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama several weeks ago, =
>> German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she had the impression President =
>> Vladimir Putin was living in another world.
>> That statement was quickly picked up by the Western media and dominated =
>> headlines for days.
>> But it seems to me that Merkel felt this way because of a lack of =
>> understanding of Russia's reality, which is common among Western =
>> observers.
>> The West's Feb. 22 coup in Kiev was just the appetizer. The main meal =
>> will be when the U.S. and Europe support the Russian opposition in its =
>> attempt to overthrow Putin and form a Maidan-style government in Moscow.
>> What is the Russian reality? If we are talking about the nature of the =
>> conflicts in Crimea and Ukraine, Russia's understanding differs =
>> significantly from the West's.
>> In Russia's reality, the Maidan protests and coup did not move Ukraine =
>> closer to democracy and the rule of law but in the opposite direction: =
>> toward lawlessness and violence against journalists, political opponents
>> and ordinary citizens. The revolutionary authorities in Kiev are =
>> dominated by an armed, extremist minority that is planning a campaign of
>> =ADwidescale repression against ethnic Russians and others.
>> In Russia's reality, Ukraine has no legitimate government because =
>> demonstrators overthrew a democratically elected president.
>> In our reality, Ukraine has no sovereign authority because the U.S. =
>> effectively appointed the country's senior officials behind the scenes. =
>> Why else did the little-known Oleksandr Turchynov become acting =
>> president, while Vitaly Klitschko, who had actively pursued that post =
>> but was disliked by Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, was =
>> sidelined? And on what grounds did Arseny Yatsenyuk, who was not popular
>> among Ukrainians but was Nuland's clear favorite, become prime minister?
>> Nuland's plans for Ukraine were revealed during a leaked phone =
>> conversation several weeks before the coup that ousted President Viktor =
>> Yanukovych.
>> In Russia's reality, Ukrainian deputies were threatened with force to =
>> vote for ministers whom they did not know. After all, force takes =
>> precedence over the rule of law in the new Ukraine, which is effectively
>> ruled by a junta composed of various militias. In addition to Turchynov =
>> and Yatsenyuk, that junta includes Andrei Parubiy, the head of the =
>> National Security and Defense Council. He was also head of the Maidan =
>> self-defense forces, an armed group that apparently took the lead in =
>> carrying out orders from Washington in February. The junta also includes
>> Dmitry Yarosh and Oleh Tyahnybok, who control the neo-Nazi Right Sector =
>> and Svoboda armed militias, respectively.
>> Who are these junta leaders? We are told they are nationalists, but they
>> display all the signs of neo-=ADNazis. In a reference to the fascists of
>> World War II, they call themselves followers of Stepan Bandera, Roman =
>> Shukhevych and the fascist theorist Dmitry Dontsov. Bandera and =
>> Shukhevych both swore fidelity to Hitler. They entered Ukraine in 1941 =
>> along with the Wehrmacht, or more exactly, the German SD =97 the Nazi =
>> intelligence division =97 that they obeyed. The SD issued the Ukrainian =
>> extremists weapons, ammunition and administrative posts on the occupied =
>> territories. On German orders, they actively fought against Soviet =
>> partisans.
>> During the three years that Bandera later spent in a German =
>> concentration camp, he was well fed and enjoyed the comforts of a radio =
>> and access to a library. In 1944, Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler removed =
>> Bandera from detention and transferred him into active service, giving =
>> him money and weapons.
>> During the Cold War, the U.S. and its allies used veterans of Bandera's =
>> forces in their struggle against the Soviet Union, turning a blind eye =
>> to their Nazi collaboration. Yet, Russia has always viewed these =
>> "Banderas" as accomplices to Hitler and fascists. Shukhevych, for his =
>> part, headed the notorious Nachtigall punitive battalion and was =
>> responsible for the mass murder of Jews and other civilians.
>> Today's Right Sector and Svoboda organizations employ many neo-Nazi =
>> beliefs and practices. These include the use of stylized Nazi symbols, =
>> Nazi flags, Nazi greetings such as "Glory to Ukraine =97 Glory to the =
>> Heroes!" that is associated with Bandera's movement. These two leading =
>> Ukrainian extremist groups preach anti-Semitism, hatred of neighboring =
>> peoples, Russophobia, a violent struggle against opponents, =
>> glorification of Nazi veterans and the denial of Nazi crimes.
>> The result is that Svoboda and Right Sector are not just radical =
>> nationalists, but hardcore neo-Nazi groups that have come to power and =
>> now control Ukraine's main law enforcement agencies.
>> Ukraine already had dozens of political prisoners even before these =
>> groups took over. On its first day in power, the supposedly pro-European
>> government suspended the European Charter for Regional or Minority =
>> Languages, then switched off the Russian-language version of government =
>> agency websites and prohibited schoolteachers from teaching in Russian. =
>> When the Constitutional Court refused to recognize their coup as =
>> constitutional, the authorities dissolved the court and brought criminal
>> charges against its judges. In Russia's world of reality, neo-Nazi =
>> militants shoot at demonstrators in Kharkiv, and the authorities provide
>> them with safe passage back to Kiev.
>> In this reality, the U.S. and the European Union are behaving =
>> irrationally, abandoning the Ukrainian people to the extremist =
>> authorities in Kiev and supporting criminal leaders. As for the =
>> sanctions, can anyone explain why Putin aide and former minister Andrei =
>> Fursenko was included on the list? Is it only because he owns a dacha at
>> the Ozero cooperative? It seems the list of sanctions was copied =
>> directly from the article that whistleblower Alexei Navalny published in
>> The New York Times last week, immediately before the names were =
>> announced. Perhaps the U.S. State Department wanted to strengthen =
>> Navalny's influence in Russia?
>> In Russia's reality, the obvious conclusion is that the U.S. and EU are =
>> trying to help the Russian opposition overthrow Putin and form a =
>> Maidan-style government in Moscow.
>> How will the West execute this coup in Russia? First, it will install a =
>> leader in Kiev who will be much like former Georgian President Mikheil =
>> Saakashvili =97 an anti-Russian hothead willing to do all of the West's =
>> bidding. Then, it will finance the Ukrainian army, and in 2017 =97 on =
>> the eve of Russia's presidential elections =97 it will send that army =
>> into Crimea and Russia proper, just as it deployed Georgian troops in =
>> 2008. Does the West seriously believe that Putin will take this military
>> aggression against Russia passively?
>> Russia demands a compromise: immediately form a new coalition government
>> in Ukraine, disarm the extremists, ultra-nationalists and fascists, =
>> institute federalism, provide constitutional guarantees of equality for =
>> the Ukrainian and Russian languages and hold honest and fair elections. =
>> But in place of that, the U.S. and EU continue their threats and =
>> insistence that Russia accept the current status quo.
>> Do Western leaders really believe that Putin will reconcile himself to =
>> their distorted vision of reality? By insisting that Putin capitulate, =
>> the West is actually leaving him no option but to respond with force.
>> And in the face of this harsh reality, Russia has always chosen war over
>> capitulation.
>> Sergei Markov is director of the Institute of Political Studies.
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