The best run-off would of course be Poroshenko vs. Tihipko . We will
know in 3/4/ days (if not sooner) whether Klychko will run. The fact
that as late as a few days ago Yulka was running third is encouraging.
It looks as though most of the Klychko vote would shift to Poroshenko.
Tihipko has not yet been chosen for the PR. So his numbers would rise
if he is their official candidate.
I have this sinking feeling that the less well Yulka does in the
polls, the more likely is an earlier Putin invasion...
Quoting Francine Ponomarenko <[email protected]>:
> Serhij Leshchenko says maybe not
> Well, that means Poroshenko vs. Yulka
> She is not a well woman. She really needs to have a convalescence, of a
> proper sort. Her time in Prison was psychologically very difficult. Just
> look in her eyes, and it's clear that she is not yet well.
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