Re: [politics] More bluff or the real thing?

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed Mar 26 2014 - 08:27:12 EST

This government has differed than all previous Ukrainian
governments since independence in one important point.
They do not run to Moscow every 2-3 weeks to seek instructions
from Dark Lord Emperor Putin.

In fact Ukraine via Yatseniuk has visited the EU, NATO, USA and
has had state visits from the UN & Canada to date without any
direct contact with Putin. This in itself is revolutionary but

I think they are not suicidal about implementing federal
autonomy to parts of Ukraine -- Fool me once shame on you,
fool me twice shame on me -- Crimean autonomy created the
disaster of Crimea which was created to help the Tartars but
was used as a blunt instrument for Russia.

The west will never do anything in the best interests of Ukraine.
The west has it's own agenda and many western democracies have
their corridors of power filled with Russophiles.

Ukraine cleaning up the corruption and cleaning up civil
society will make many Western States happy enough -- Language
should remain Ukrainian as the official state language.

Ukraine needs to carry out a proper census to prove that
Russian speaking does not equal ethnic Russian and that
eastern Ukraine is NOT the uniform mass that Russia has been
portraying thru their propaganda networks. Kharkiv may be
Russian speaking but the entire region outside the city is
Ukrainian and Ukrainian speaking.

Bohdan Wynnyckyj wrote:
> If Ukraine caves then nothing has changed. Russia still dictates internal
> Ukrainian policy and will use the language and regional autonomy to forever
> keep Ukraine destabilized and crippled. Ukraine would be independent on
> paper only.
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 8:49 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > ukrajinskiy-kordon-pribuli-elitni-tankovi-diviziji-rf.html
> >
> > If the former (still possible) the purpose would be for Ukraine to cave in
> > some more on the Russian demands (Ukraine has already given up NATO and
> > "partisan warfare" with the self-directed armed people). The next cave
> > might be on language and constitutional issues...
> >
> > Because the "West" has its own interests here, and Ukraine's independent
> > revitalization is not a high priority.
> >
> > Tough choices for Ukraine: the"plan" of their powers that be, or the
> > Maidan vision which starts with really dark days and more victims: "Nebesni
> > Dyviziji".. And always, little time...
> >


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