Concept of Lend-Lease for Ukraine

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue Mar 25 2014 - 22:38:55 EST

Britain during 1939-1941 was able to survive the darkest days of WW2 thru the Lend-Lease Program with the USA where Americans lended/leased 50 vintage destroyers to Britain for use in guarding convoys crossing the North Atlantic against German U-Boats. They also were able to get various other weaponry such as tanks, rifles, airplanes which bolstered their armed forces during the Battle of Britain and their war in North Africa

Canada leased the Leopard 2 tanks from Germany for use in Afghanistan.

Why could Ukraine not borrow/lease military equipment from various NATO countries considering the danger of Russian build up on Ukraine's eastern borders.

The NAVY & Air force have been seriously reduced to non-effectual levels.

The Americans are retiring their A-10's -- those are wonderful anti-tank weaponry -- they were designed for battling columns of Soviet armour on the plains in Germany. It would serve the same purpose just a bit farther east :) They are beautiful aircraft, easy to maintain, low cost to operate and have one hell of a punch against armoured vehicles.

Just some thoughts.

InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
Canada M8X 2Y8

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