Thanks. I understand the political aspect very well. But I really do not
get the language problem. Take Yatseniuk. He said in Europe that there was
no problem with Russian. I know this well. Russian is everywhere in Kyiv.
He said his wife speaks Russian and so do his children. When auto maidan
went to his house, his charming wife Teresa spoke Russian, and I suspect
the home language is Russian. This is what I am having trouble with,
examples like this, and this Is only the name of a politico.
My own cousin, was speaking Russian in Kyiv. Ok, but her ukrainian is good,
as she comes from outside Kyiv. So she switched. Her husband, whose family
is ethnically ukrainian, and several generations kyivans spoke Russian. I
know about the soviet stuff. But I worked really hard to convince the
husband to switch to ukrainian. Their age would be in the 50 s, do
school,was in Russian.
But what about hose young people, the anti maidan youth, they all speak
Russian. Did they not learn ukrainian? In 20 years? Is ukrainian like Latin
for them?
What are here demands for Russian as a state language. For whom is this,
for people over 30.
Why is Donetsk Russian speaking still? Akhmetov I never heard use
ukrainian. Azarov too.
This is my problem, I don't really understand what is going on there.
On Monday, 24 March 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:
> This is a red herring issue for Putin.
> The reality is that in Ukraine where 80% of the population learned
> Russian as a first or second language during Soviet times.
> Now in Ukraine from east to west, from north to south, since independence
> students learn a second language, No. 1 is English, No. 2 is German, No. 3
> is Spannish No. 4 is Russian -- so in 20 years time Russian language will
> only be significant in Russia and in Ukraine only with ethnic Russians
> if that.
> Eastern Europe has also seen a serious decline in students learning Russian
> where during the Cold War, a significant portion of the population
> did. So the spread of the language is seriously losing ground except
> in Russia, Belarus and some other ex-Soviet states in Central Asia.
> This is what is burning Putin's goat.
> Russia is a dieing culture and language and he knows it. Add in declining
> birth rates in Russia, they are losing ground.
> Thus the need to conquer Ukraine and force them to abandon Ukrainian.
> Fran Ponomarenko wrote:
> >
> > Truthfully, I have problems with this language business. Ok, ethnic
> > Russians want Russian. I won't get into the whole bit about language of
> > the majority, language of the country, and their reluctance to learn it,
> > which is disrespectful, etc. in Quebec when the Anglos did not want to
> > learn French, they left.
> >
> > But what about ethnic Ukrainians. what is their problem? This part I am
> > having trouble with
> > Can someone help me out.
> >
> > what is Donetsk ethnically? This is the question.
> >
> > Would there be a problem with two languages: Ukrainian, and Russian on an
> > oblast level.?
> >
> > Would that satisfy these folks.
> >
> > Actually, I would be including English also! to kind of move the
> population
> > away from the Russia n sphere. And it is useful for every citizen to know
> > more languages.
> >
> >
> > On Monday, 24 March 2014, <[email protected] <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > oblradi-movne-pitannya-vje-bilshe-20-rokiv-sutsilna-spekulyatsiya.html
> > >
> > > Even Yanukovich didn't dare do this. This is one of Putin's demands.
> It is
> > > unacceptable.
> > >
> > >
> >
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
> Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]<javascript:;>
> Canada M8X 2Y8
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