Re: [politics] A quiet, peaceful, Putinist...

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 24 2014 - 14:46:29 EST

Truthfully, I have problems with this language business. Ok, ethnic
Russians want Russian. I won't get into the whole bit about language of
the majority, language of the country, and their reluctance to learn it,
which is disrespectful, etc. in Quebec when the Anglos did not want to
learn French, they left.

But what about ethnic Ukrainians. what is their problem? This part I am
having trouble with
Can someone help me out.

what is Donetsk ethnically? This is the question.

Would there be a problem with two languages: Ukrainian, and Russian on an
oblast level.?

Would that satisfy these folks.

Actually, I would be including English also! to kind of move the population
away from the Russia n sphere. And it is useful for every citizen to know
more languages.

On Monday, 24 March 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:

> oblradi-movne-pitannya-vje-bilshe-20-rokiv-sutsilna-spekulyatsiya.html
> Even Yanukovich didn't dare do this. This is one of Putin's demands. It is
> unacceptable.

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