I think it was Pavlovsky from Bat'kivshchyna. I tuned in a bit before you and in the part I heard, he was quite apologetic about the government's (in)action. If I'm not mistaken he defended the "no provocation" orders which, in many people's opinion actually lead to the ensuing catastrophe.
On 3/24/14, Francine Ponomarenko <[email protected]> wrote:
> Earlier today I heard a Rada member, but I do not know his name, on Espresso TV. He is not one of the showy ones, a sort of portly man. He was very controlled but furious that the Ukrainians are not defending their equipment, or shooting back if absolutely necessary. He said all the equipment, new stuff, is now in the hands of the enemy.He gave a list of it. He said boats should have been drowned, etc. He was furious. The stupid woman anchor on Espresso, said: I don't agree with you, what about ecology. He replied, that this is war. And this was caused by Russia and for them to clean up
> He also said the Russians could put toxic substances in the waterways, but I did not know which ones he was referring to. He was really discouraged by the EU and the USA, saying those sanctions are not going to hurt Russia. He said this is all happening identically to the anschluss. He said now that Putin has one morsel his hunger for more is all the greater. He said that Putin is going to grab what he can.
> He was clearly very upset by the disarray in the military and marines.
> I have only seen him once before interviewed on Hromadske, don't know his name. Sorry.
> On 24 March 2014 09:25, <[email protected]> wrote:
> > A very good Ukrainian military expert, Dmytro Tymchuk, who thinks the Russians are not organized for a tsunami invasion, and can only try for Crimea type operations in selected areas:
> >
> >
> >
> > http://www.unian.ua/politics/899873-uzdovj-rosiysko-ukrajinskogo-kordonu-zoseredjeno-83-tisyachi-rosiyskih-soldativ-ekspert.html
> >
> >
> > Or NATO which says that the Russian army can waltz through to Moldova:
> >
> >
> >
> > http://www.unian.ua/politics/899875-u-rosiji-vistachit-sil-diyti-cherez-ukrajinu-do-pridnistrovya-general-nato.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
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