Re: [politics] tolerant russian tv

From: Michael Kulyk ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 23 2014 - 10:49:59 EST

putin is the fascist !

On Mar 23, 2014, at 5:38 AM, Anubis <[email protected]> wrote:

> Euromaidanpr
> “Russia 24” TV Channel host Evelina Zakamska said that the Jews themselves “brought the Holocaust around”. The remark was made during the interview with a Russian writer Oleksandr Prokhanov.
> The participants of the program touched upon the topic of the Euromaidan in Ukraine. In connection to this Prokhanov said on the air: “It’s surprising that Jewish and Russian organizations support Maidan. What are they doing? Don’t they understand that they are bringing around a second Holocaust with their own hands?” The host responded: “They were bringing around the first one in just the same way”.

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