Her face shows lots of Botox work, lots, and maybe even surgery. But she
doesn't look well in the eyes anymore, looks sort of unsettled.
I guess Putin is sitting back and saying, shucks it's getting easier and
I do not trust Medusa. She is an imposter in much.
I agree with Yushchenko about her, and about klitschko when he said that
klitschko, vin chystyj.
But yushchenko thinks that maybe a deal can be made between the three.
On Friday, 21 March 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:
> http://www.unian.ua/politics/899322-timoshenko-vvajae-scho-
> ukrajina-mae-borotisya-za-krim-i-vje-e-plan-borotbi.html
> So Yatseniuk and Turchynov etc.. are just factotums??
> BTW One unkind commentator on maidan.org forums commented: "Now we know
> what she was doing in Germany. Plastic surgery..."
> Oy Wej....
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