Re: [politics] Obama Lowers the Boom on Russa

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Fri Mar 21 2014 - 14:50:31 EST

I agree with Anne Applebaum, NATO needs to reexamine their situation.
Putin is a pathological confidence man, and he is not to be trusted.
But how is the population of Ukraine to be consolidated into a unity, as
yushchenko says is needed in the hromadske interview, I do not know. I
agree with him, this would make Ukraine a strong nation.

On Friday, 21 March 2014, Bohdan Wynnyckyj <[email protected]> wrote:

> "These sanctions will not just ban travel to the U.S. or freeze assets
> (most of which these guys keep in Europe and in various tax shelters around
> the world), but will effectively bar them from participation in the world
> financial system."
> Be sure to follow the link to the New Republic complete article. They
> have been doing an excellent job covering events in Ykpaina over the past
> few weeks.

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