
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 21 2014 - 10:54:52 EST

The one province in southeast Ukraine whose capital is majority
"Ukrainian-speaking", and a Putin target.

Ukraine's ombudsperson Lutkovska states there are no problems with the
Russian speakers reported

But that is no longer a concern for Puts. Now the excuse will be
"unfair initial handover back when"... And if that doesn't work, well
he'll just fall back on the Rocco motive in "Key Largo" (a famous
Bogart movie) : "I want more! That's right! Why shouldn't I?". To
which one can add another leitmotiv from another famous Bogart movie,
also spoken by a thug (Mars in "The Big Sleep") "What are you gonna do
about it?"

To end with another Bogartism from "The Maltese Falcon" : "It's not
always easy to know what to do"...

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