Re: [politics] The Onion OpEd (satire)

From: Ivan Kravchenko ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 20 2014 - 22:46:16 EST

With every passing day I like the Ukrainian govt less and less. It is
either the Ukrainians are morons (therefore the country deserves to be
erased from the map) or there is TREASON again in the high places.
There are too many valid WHY's these days. Why Krym was surrendered
without any resistance, why the Ukrainian soldiers in Krym are abandoned (=betrayed),
why the weapons are surrendered, why the defenses at the borders are not
being prepared, why the borders are still porous, why the Zek was able
to escape, why the economy interests are not hedged, why, why, why....
I do not like Turchinov at all, minimum he is incompetent. By the way, why
the National Guard is given a higher priority. It
should be both the Army and the National Guard! Is the current government more
affraid of the citizens? The enemy at the gates is not that a threat anymore?

On Thu, 20 Mar 2014, Serbyn Roman wrote:

> An American satire that adds insult to injury, although I'm sure that most Ukrainians will not see it that way.
> Putin thanks the accommodating Americans and the Europeans, but ignores the accommodating Ukrainian authorities in Kyiv
> (the "no provocation" strategists). Ukraine isn't a subject of international relation but only an object, or a football to
> be kicked around by Moscow and Washington.
> On 3/20/14, Anubis <[email protected]> wrote:
> keting&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default

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