here is another.....
On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 8:38:01 AM, Serbyn Roman <[email protected]> wrote:
If you go to hromadske tv online and go back about an hour and a half on the sound band you should find the whole speech.
On 3/18/14, Francine Ponomarenko <[email protected]> wrote:
Someone please post link to the live speech, if you find it
>I just find excerpts
>On Tuesday, 18 March 2014, Serbyn Roman <[email protected]> wrote:
>First impression of Putin's speech:
>>Brilliant rhetoric for effective propaganda: presses all the right buttons, addresses all the right protagonists with the right messages.
>>At the same time, very revealing of the present and future strategy and possible tactics of Putin's imperialist designs on Ukraine and other post-Soviet states.
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