RE: [politics] Syd Ryan President of the Ontario Federation of Labour Backs Putin in Crimea and calls Ukraine a NAZI State

From: E. Ladna ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 17 2014 - 18:04:26 EST

He is a leftie. What can you expect...


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: March 17, 2014 6:45 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [politics] Syd Ryan President of the Ontario Federation of Labour
Backs Putin in Crimea and calls Ukraine a NAZI State

OMG The Head of the Ontario Federation of Labour Syd Ryan supports Putin &
calls Ukrainian Government Fascists & NAZI's

> Ontario Federation Labour president backs Putin against Ukrainians
> dent-backs-putin-against-ukrainians/
> March 17, 2014 ? BC Blue
> In a jaw-dropping statement, the President of the Ontario Federation
Labour, Sid Ryan not only calls Putin?s Crimea referendum democratic, he
says the Ukrainians fighting Russia?s takeover are ?thugs, fascists and anti
> Here is the link of the two tweets:
> Siobhan Morris
> @siomo
> Crimeans overwhelmingly vote to leave #Ukraine, join #Russia
> #Crimea
> 2:18 PM - 16 Mar 2014
> Sid Ryan
> @SidRyan_OFL
> @siomo How dare they have a democratic vote. Don't they know Cda
supports the thugs, fascists and anti Semites of the Ukraine 'revolution'?
> 2:34 PM - 16 Mar 2014
> I honesty can?t fathom how someone supporting a dictator like Putin can be
in charge of a modern Canadian labour union ? seriously, are we back in the
> Please tell me the rank and file membership won?t stand for this.

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