Question asked by Francine Ponomarenko earlier.
Let's start here:
If this is true (not yet confirmed), then tomorrow Putin will not
proceed to annnex the Crimea.
Today he has recognized it as an independent
The info above suggests a period when it remains a kind of "Abkhazia".
Then we look at
So one possible scenario: The Crimea, under de facto Russian
occupation, is deemed an independent state. Russia blames it all on
"local initiative". There is no formal annexation.
Tymoshenko is elected President. They haggle and then agree.
Putin relaxes. And Ukraine is again part of his world.
This seems fantasy. Esp. after the signature of the association
agreement on 21 March.
Still there is a veneer of something here.
Merkel stated you'll remember that Putin liveds in his alternative reality.
Tymoshenko lives in her alternative reality also: see
"Ukraine's mission is to liberate Russia" etc etc... A mixture of
truths and self-referential fantasies...
Everything must be done to prevent this person from achieving power again.
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