Re: [politics] The Yarosh demand

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun Mar 16 2014 - 12:46:43 EST

It is funny, that was my thought too. If you lose control
of the pump station and can't shut things down upstream,
then bomb the hell out of it.

But do this once Russia passes legislation to annex the
territory. Wait till then. Do not want to jump the gun.

Same with power towers and and water pumps and railways
and bridges crossing over some of those channels..

It then becomes Russia's problem to supply. People in
Crimea will not be that happy when comfort goes away.
The euphoria of being part of Russia will go away pretty
damn fast.

The Russians could not even build the Olympics that well,
so how the hell would they be able to build infrastructure
to keep Crimea in top shape?

Nobody will want to visit there as a tourist and the
wineries & farms will shrivel up without water.

I know, I would not make a good diplomat. ;)

[email protected] wrote:
> Includes blowing up the gaslines if necessary....
> Looks like the politicos are running out of time again...

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