The source was from which is known for their spoofs.
Their facebook post of this was retracted when they discovered that.
I know, it had me surprised too. Nobody that filled with vitrial
and that psychotic would never see the light.
Larisa wrote:
> Euromaidanpr <>
> Euromaidanpr
> 2 mins �
> Breaking news -- Dead blow for Russian propaganda: Dmitry Kiselev has
> left Russian information agency "Russia Today" because of excessive
> propaganda broadcasted by this agency.
> Russian journalist Dmitry Kiselev resigned from the post of director
> general of the international news agency "Russia Today". Reason for
> leaving Dmitry Kiselev explained as the use of excessive propaganda and
> complete lack of objectivity in the Russian media, He posted this newsin
> his Facebook.
> "What is now broadcasted by the Russian media - it total exaggeration,
> overstatement! - Said Dmitry Kiselev.
> Dmitry Kiselev apologized to citizens of Ukraine. "Even I did not notice
> how I crossed the line. I am ashamed of the past three days for
> controlled by me media. Excuse me, people of Ukraine ", - said Russian
> journalist.
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