Re: [politics] Is Yarema a "traitor"?

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun Mar 16 2014 - 08:36:45 EST

Well one positive note today, money-wise:

This threat to review what Russia owes Ukraine from the old USSR
assets is pretty neat imho

Quoting Francine Ponomarenko <[email protected]>:

> Maidan and opposition sure did no think fast when it came to the money. ZEK
> got away with it.
> How come no one knew until now.
> On Sunday, 16 March 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:
>> With all due respect to Hrycenko, I hardly think so:
>> read the interview here:
>> articles/2014/03/16/7018929/
>> The problem with Hrycenko (as with many others) is that he feels
>> unappreciated and has a much higher notion of his importance and worth than
>> others do. C'est la vie.
>> He has great difficulties in being a "team player" and has demonstrated
>> this time and again. I rather like him, and think that he frequently has
>> excellent ideas. But he also is every bit the "otamanchyk" though less
>> successful at it than others. He tried to create his own party a number of
>> times, but got relatively nowhere.== Maybe his close ties to the ZN crowd
>> (is he not married to editor Yulia Mostova?) have something to do with his
>> problems.
>> In any case I do not consider him a "provocateur", and hope that he
>> continues to keep everyone on their toes.

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