If you're on facebook:
Dear friends,
We invite you to become an information warrior of the Digital Hundred.
Our goal - is to address anti-Ukrainian propaganda in social networks
and comments sections of digital media. We'll be providing you with
"battlefields" - links to articles, posts, comments that are defaming
Ukraine. You'll be able to choose a "battlefield" in your own language -
for the moment, Russian, English or German. We'll be also providing you
with info resources (check out the "Notes" section of this group): facts
and fact-checking websites, video and photo links, a collection of
propaganda myths and counter-arguments to them. Your task is to dedicate
few minutes/hours a day to spreading the truth. Pick a "battlefield" and
counter lies with facts. Thank you for being a part of the Digital Hundred!
P.S. Please remember, our main weapon - truth AND politeness!
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