On 3/14/2014 12:49 AM, Anubis wrote:
> Euromaidanpr
> <>shared??????? /
> Ukraine
> <>'sphoto
> <>.
> 7 hours ago
> <>
> More on Donetsk:
> 3 deaths (one confirmed definitively, a 22 y.o. Donetsk resident).
> Deaths among our people. The savages were attacking people with
> knuckle-dusters, metal rods, knives. They were not letting the buses
> leave, jumping on topof them like some beasts, puncturing tires,
> knocking out windows; they made injured people get down on their knees
> (all of them, without distinction); they manhandled the people, spit
> at them, threw stones, firecrackers, screamed "Donetsk rise up - kick
> out Bandera!" Putin's cockish media are all riled up, spouting that it
> were the Banderites who started the fight and killed the Russian people.
> On 3/13/2014 7:05 PM, Pavlo Ivanchenko wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Anubis <[email protected]
>> <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
>> Video:
>> On 3/13/2014 3:34 PM, Anubis wrote:
>>> "UPDATE on today's events in Donetsk
>>> Two activists killed
>>> One person between life and death
>>> Around 50 activists injured
>>> Source: <>"
>>> Euromaidanpr
>>> <>
>>> 16 minutes ago
>>> <>�Edited
>>> <>
>>> One activist killed in Donetsk today, March 13
>>> The pro-Russian meeting and the meeting for peace and united
>>> Ukraine (each of about 1000 people) took place simultaneously
>>> today evening, March 13, in Donetsk. The meetings were separated
>>> by the militia. The pro-Ukrainian activists sang the national
>>> anthem and chanted "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!", while
>>> pro-Russian protesters chanted "Russia!", listed to Soviet
>>> songs, threw eggs and water balloons into the counterparts.
>>> After a while the pro-Russian activists became much more
>>> aggressive, having used the petards. Pro-Ukrainian activists
>>> were severely injured. At 9.41 p.m. Kyiv time it became known
>>> that one person died because of a knife wound.
>>> Source: <>
>>> Photo: Reuters
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