"UPDATE on today's events in Donetsk
Two activists killed
One person between life and death
Around 50 activists injured
Source: pravda.com.ua"
16 minutes ago
One activist killed in Donetsk today, March 13
The pro-Russian meeting and the meeting for peace and united Ukraine
(each of about 1000 people) took place simultaneously today evening,
March 13, in Donetsk. The meetings were separated by the militia. The
pro-Ukrainian activists sang the national anthem and chanted "Glory to
Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!", while pro-Russian protesters chanted
"Russia!", listed to Soviet songs, threw eggs and water balloons into
the counterparts.
After a while the pro-Russian activists became much more aggressive,
having used the petards. Pro-Ukrainian activists were severely injured.
At 9.41 p.m. Kyiv time it became known that one person died because of a
knife wound.
Source: pravda.com.ua
Photo: Reuters
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