Putin will not stop unless stopped by his own gang -- if they
are body slamned asset wise via sanctions -- they will pressure
him -- question is whether he will pull a Stalin and have them
killed or his gang will kill Putin "by heartattack, or by car
accident, or etc etc" just like they killed Stalin.
[email protected] wrote:
> Pro-Russians intend to have an "instant" referendum, elect a "people's
> governor" and ask Russia for military assistance:
> http://www.unian.ua/politics/895752-putin-zayaviv-djemilevu-scho-ukrajina-viyshla-z-srsr-ne-zovsim-zakonno.html
> And the assistance is ready:
> http://www.unian.ua/politics/895849-rosiya-vidkrito-styague-viyskovu-tehniku-do-pivnichnogo-kordonu-ukrajini.html
> What next? It's not only "Can Putin be stopped?", but, more ominously
> "Can Putin stop?"
InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
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