He is still a very powerful man :)) A short speech and billions of dollars
are gone! Almost equal to the Federal reserve chairman....
On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, Anubis wrote:
> Euromaidan in English <https://www.facebook.com/EnglishMaidan>
> Yanukovych's speech lasted 8 minutes, and then the Moscow Stock Exchange
> took a dive. The Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange fell 1300 points
> (1.3%) and the RTS index fell by 1.22 % to 1144 points. Half an hour
> before Yanukovych's press conference the RTS fell by 0.8 % and the MICEX
> - 0.1%.
> http://gazeta.ua/articles/economics/_anukovich-za-8-hvilin-obvaliv-ekonomiku-rosiyi/546485
> http://lenta.ru/news/2014/03/11/moex/
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